
Short Update

Well, I didn't get to snap the picture without the tube. Jules will get that pleasure this afternoon. They are definately removing the breathing support (and have effectively done so already by the changes they have made to the ventilator). Instead of the ventilator all the way into his lungs, they will be adding a tube that pushes air into his nose. Hard for me to describe, but better than having the tube down into his lungs. They are also deinfately starting feeding him milk today. So good all round. No progress on the cause, or on whether its actually now repaired itself. More of an update tonight. Jules is well, and happy to have no stitches in and is recovering well.


Sonia said...

Hope you don't think I am butting in but just a brief explanation on the oxygen. It sounds like Will is on a regular ventilator right now where the ventilator tube goes all the way down to his lungs and mechanically pushes oxygen directly into his lungs. It sounds like Will will be switched to what is called a CPAP where the tube is just connected to his nose and "puffs" oxygen into his nose just to help him with his breathing (as opposed to the vent, which basically breathes for him). This is what every preemie parent hope their preemie can switch to asap from the vent before their baby is completely taken off of oxygen.

Going to CPAP usually means you can start holding the baby and giving him kangaroo care (holding him on your chest skin to skin) but with Will's condition, I am not sure whether your doctors will let you do that. Going to CPAP will also allow him to nurse!

Still praying for you guys!


Anonymous said...

This is great news and I think you right Harry there is truely evidence here of God's amazing work not only in healing and care but also in the hearts and minds of those around you. Great to hear that Jules is having ongoing positive recovery as well. I look forward to seeing the photo once the tube is out and hope that he can be given milk, I'm imagining how great it will be for you guys to be able to nurse him and pray that the progress continues.

Anonymous said...

God is gracious, Harry & Julie! By following what has happened to Baby Wil, I truly receive lots of encouragement how wonderful and loving God is. How lucky that Wil has such a wonderful & godly dad and mom by his side! THanks for your detailed update. We shall continue to lift up baby Wil to God. And I am sure you will keep all this into his baby album, so that he can testify God's faithfulness and love to his children and grandchildren and/or great grandchildren in the future.

"... God is love ..." 1John 4:16

---Terese Cha, ECC

Anonymous said...

Having had this site passed on to me as a friend of Harry's sister, I have read through it with great difficulty, as my grand-daughter was delivered early 1 week before Will, and despite many weeks of anxiety about possible outcomes, she is perfect. I believe that Will (what a fantastic name) will soon be out of there and home with you all - God is so faithful, and I believe He will honour your surrender to Him in a wonderful way. As with Will, many hundreds of people prayed for Bethany all around the world, and it is such a powerful tool as well as a huge source of strength and support. The love of the family of God is a very special thing and you must be able to feel it with you as a "cushion" to rest on. We will be praying for you in Guernsey and in London - 2 more spots to add to the global network!
With much love,
Angela Graham

Anonymous said...

So great to hear such good news - we are still praying as are Dawnie and Roddy (they actually arrive in China tonight so you might feel their presence).
Will's attempts to pull out the tube are a great sign - James managed to annoy every nursing shift by pulling out every tube possible. He still loves to defy authority!!
Psalm 138;3 When I called you answered me,you made me bold and stouthearted.

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