
Small backward step

We have just been up to see Will again. Unfortunately they have had to increase the breathing assistance again as he has again started to expand. No conclusion on the fluid at this stage. Still seems to be a choice of 2, urine or chile. The latter is produced by the lymph system. Possible that either of these systems is obstructed and therefore leaking. A number of the tests are back, but nothing conclusive. The most positive result today is that one test concluded that there was not a bacterial infection. We will be back later today to check on Will and get more of the test results. At this stage I am waiting in line to pay the bill as Julie is checking out. She is still in a bit of pain but we feel she will be more comfortable at home. It is only 10 minutes door to door from our house to the hospital, so no real issue there. For those thinking of visiting Jules, please note this change of her location. Will is still fighting and is a lot more active today than yesterday. Thank you so much for your continuing prayers, they are a great support for us as we continue to await diagnosis.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that Julie is well enough to head home, I still pray for her continued healing. My bible study group and I are meeting tonight and will offer more prayers for Will and for you all. Can't tell you how much my heart goes out to you at this time. Love to you all

Turbo and Pinky said...

We're continuing to check the blog and are praying for all of you.

Love from New York,
Terry, Gloria and Trey

Anonymous said...

We ladies continue to pray for Will's recovery. We lift up Will's name to our LORD this morning at our meeting. --- Terese Cha, Elaine Cheng, Claudia Chang (ECC) Women's Ministry

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