
A stable night

I have just spent about half an hour with Will.  It was wonderful to spend some time with him.

Over the course of the night his abdomin has stayed about the same size which, while not exceedingly positive is also not negative.

During the night he had both bowel and bladder movements, which confirmed that the issue is not related to the bowel.  The condition of his heart, kidneys and liver also all seem very positive.

In addition they were able to reduce the support from the ventilator, which is quite positive.

Today, while he remains stable they will continue to monitor him.  One thing I failed to mention yesterday was that shortly after birth he appeared to have some form of seizure.   As a result they have him some anti convulsant drugs.    They have now been monitoring for further seizures and there have been none.  They now think that the seizure may have been a reaction to the drugs he was given, hence are now planning to reduce the anti convulsant drugs and continue to monitor him.

The current plan is to monitor for today, then tap his abdomin tomorrow.  I don't believe this requires a general. Once they do this they will be able to test the fluid to determine the cause.   They won't do this today as a number of the tests are considered optional and are therefore not done on Sundays.

Thanks all for your continued prayers.

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

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