
Afternoon update

Afternoon update Will's status is still relatively stable. He has remained at the same size (abdomin around 40.5cm). This morning they reduced the pressure on the breathing and they removed the anti convulsant drugs. Will coped fine with both of these changes. The next step is to tap the fluid tomorrow. They will then send this off for testing which will take between a few hours and a few days depending on the test. They will put some form of catheter in to control the flow of the fluid. They will not release all the pressure at this stage. Again this procedure is not without risk, but really its the only way to determine what the problem is. So please continue to pray for Will through tomorrow as this procedure happens. Sorry that I can't tell you the time, but at this stage I don't know. As an update on Jules, she's feeling quite a bit better. She surprised herself by enjoying a bowl of conjee and is chewing down on a plate of sweet and sour pork with some un-named vegetable as I type. Amazingly they are suggesting that she will check out tomorrow. We were a bit surprised by that this morning but are now feeling good about the idea. At this stage, my next update will be tomorrow unless there is a change in Will's status. Just a side bar note. We heard today that many thousands of people prayed for Will this morning in many churches in Hong Kong, the US and Australia (probably 1000 in our home church, ECC, alone). Thank you so much for this. We feel that there is no doubt that God is listening and is working through this situation.


Anonymous said...

Hi Harry and Jules - it's so great to be able to monitor Will and Julie's progress on your blog. Our prayers are with you - may God's peace and strength be with you. Kath, Marcin and Lachie Firek (Rom 8:31-39)

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie & Harry, thanks for the update. It's very useful for us to be able to pray specifically for Will based on your details. Thanks LORD that Julie has recovered well within a short period of time. We women, from women's ministry, were praying for Will this afternoon. God has a grand plan for Will for sure so that HIS mighty plan can be at work in your family, and HIS glory can be shown. May God's healing hand be upon our little Wil. Keep you folks in prayer.
---- Terese Cha, Women's Ministry (ECC)

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! We are continuing to pray for you as you go through all of this. It is such an amazing thing to follow on the blog and to know that you guys are truly relying on the WILL of God through all of this - a great testimony. Thank you for the notes and we are so dearly pulling for your family and pleading with God for Will to make it through all of this.
Tim, Cindy and Lillian.

Matthew said...

G'day Turner-Five,
We've been following via email and will continue to follow and pray via the blog.
We've now mobilised the UK prayer chain (which is just the two of us at the moment...) and will continue to pray to God for you all.

God Bless you and may His peace be with you, Matt n Jo.

Bravo for arranging the blog under such stress.

Anonymous said...

Glad the tide is turnering, hope things continue positively and you can all be at home soon, Looking forward to midnight feeds and nappy changes? After this they will be more welcome than you would ever have imagined. We think of you often, love Val and Steve

Anonymous said...

Our prayers, love and thoughts are with you also. Liz, Kent, Cameron and Emily

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