
How are the other kids coping?

Many people have asked how the kids are coping, so just a short one on them. Both Jack (6) and Cleo (4) have a desparate desire to meet Will (which unfortunately impossible while he's in the NICU). They understand the Will is sick and they pray for him often. Jules was very moved this morning when, without any prompting, Jack came over to her and asked if they could pray for Will together. It was very touching to see him exhibit such concern for the brother he has never met. As another example, last night I was apologising to the kids that I wouldn't be around to put them to bed again. Jack asked me why. When I explained I was again going to the hospital to see Will, he didn't complain at all. Rather, he just wanted to know when he would get the chance to come with me to see Will. So in summary, to date the kids have handled the situation very well. They've both been very patient with us, not complaining at all about the lack of time we've given them in the last week. We continue to thank God for the great blessing Jack and Cleo have been in our lives.


Anonymous said...

To the Turner family,
I have and will keep praying for Baby Will and your family. It brought tears to my heart when Brett asked the congregation to pray for Will on Sunday..being a new mom myself, I cannot imagine what a stressful time it must have been for you. I believe strongly the power of prayer and am so happy to hear and see the improvements.

Anonymous said...

Jack and Cleo are great. We've been praying for them as well during the past week. Glad they're coping so well.

Anonymous said...

No wonder the kids are so wonderful, apart from being Turners, they are surrounded by great people and caring parents, I'm not sure that luck is required, they are a credit to you both just as Will is, courages and strong even in times of difficulty. I countinue to keep you all in my prayers and pray that the improvements continue.

Anonymous said...

Love Cleo's outfit in the recent photo! We are praying for you all and so grateful for answered prayer for little Will.

Anonymous said...

Hi Harry how asrre you today. Thanks for the email, considering i some how missed out writing most of the first line,nice interpretation work dude. The picture with your hand provides some much desired scale. His tummy is really looking more and more the proper size. It is good to see Jack and Cleo have there part to play and are in volved in the spiritual battle as well.I wish i could come over if nothing just to make you a good ozzy cuppa or an amber samba so you could see i was there on the off chance you needed something . I it just as well you were not distracted with the other project at this time. Allways saying prayers for jack also for you. Take care of your selves. Emotionally drained and spiritually exhausted people cannot be their for any one else.Look after self and you can be there for those who need you love from us turners in hattonvale laidley shire.

Anonymous said...

ps harry i also pray for cleo and you and julie. How is she healing after surgery. Also i have been asked to make sur will never goes to see a war or cowboy movie as they always say ,,,,,fire at will

Anonymous said...

Hi Harry & Jules,

great to hear that Jack & Cleo are coping so well. No surprise there or luck. You and Jules are great parents and that shows in and through you children all the time every day.

Will keep praying for all of you.

Love Evelyn

Anonymous said...

Thanks for updating us on Jack & Cleo. I have been thinking about them a lot. Harry - fantastic to talk to you in person last night. I understand that you guys are so busy, and that Jules is so tired, so thanks for giving me some time. Love yas. George

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update on how Jack and Cleo are doing. I had been wondering, although hadn't inquired as I figured you had enough to do!!
So I'm glad to know. Still praying...

Jude xx

Anonymous said...

Harold and Julie, The news is so good, and I feel really happy about it. Praise God that his hand is on Will. Somehow your news about Jack and Cleo is much as I would have expected from them, they really are beautiful people. Please give them my love. I will leave a message for your friends Sonia and Jong and their litle Issac. Lots of love to you all, God bless you, Mum and Dad.

Anonymous said...

Jules, Give him his toy back.

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