
Prayer Request - Baby Number 3 is sick

Yesterday (Friday 19th May) Julie went to get her regular scan (she is currently 34 weeks). The scan showed an abnormality in the #3. There is a substantial amount of fluid inside the baby, and the amniotic sack has much less fluid than expected. The fluid is in the baby's tummy, which is extremely bloated as a result. Julie was immediately sent to Queen Mary hospital (the large public hospital here in HK). This hospital is the most well equipped in HK. They repeated the scans, and concluded that the best thing to do is to deliver the baby ASAP and treat it outside the womb. They put Julie on a monitor to determine if this needed to happen immediately or whether it could wait a few days. They determined that the baby was ok for the time being. They gave Julie as steroid (to enhance the baby's preparedness for being born). They will continue this treatment today and tomorrow, and will deliver the baby on Monday. Julie will stay in hospital until after she has recovered from the birth. As yet, they have not been able to identify the cause. The Doctors said that there could be one of 4 different options. 1. A virus. This is kind of bad (for the baby). There is no real treatment for the viruses that may cause this, and, when delivered they will simply try to maintain the baby while it recovers. If this is the case, the baby has an ok chance of survival, but not brilliant as there is risk. 2. Some form of chromosomal abnormality. Not exactly sure how this could cause the problem, but it is a possibility. In early scans Julie was identified as a very very low chance of downs, etc. so we did not do further tests. As a result, there is no way to tell if this is the cause of the issue. 3. Perforated Bowl. This is also a possibility, but looks unlikely as the fluid is very clear. 4. No idea. Apparently in these cases there is a reasonably high chance that we will never know the cause. As the baby is at 34 weeks, and appears (apart from the enlarged tummy - called ascites or something like that) healthy, all doctors are united in thinking its best to deliver it and treat it outside. So, Jules will have a C Section on Monday to deliver the baby. Please pray for us. In particular, please pray for #3's health. We don't know what is wrong, and therefore we have no idea of its survival. Also, please pray for us that we will accept God's will for us, whatever it may be. Harry


Anonymous said...

Harry, Julie, Jack, Cleo and Baby #3. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time. I will keep you in my prayers for monday and the recovery / treatment time that will follow the C section. The prayers of my local church will also be with you and may the power of God be with you all during this difficult time. Love you all. Helen Turner

Anonymous said...

Harry, Julie, Jack and Cleo and bubby #3. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. We can certainly empathise with what you are going through, with our own experiences with my pregnancy and birth of Samuel. Martin has just rung to let me know the Doctors have decided to perform the caesar on Julie today. The children are saying prayers for you all as I write this, and we will continue to pray for Julie and Bubs health and strength and support for all of you. We know God is holding you all in the palm of his hand ready, willing and wanting to comfort you through this time.Love to you from all of us.
Martin, Colleen, Matthew, Joshua, Samuel and Bethany

Anonymous said...

Harry, Julie, Jack and Cleo, Our prayers are with Julie and Baby #3 at this time. We pray that the Drs will be guided by God whether they know it or not and that everything will turnout well for them both. If love will help ours is with you all the way. We will wait with faith for up dates on the situation. Lots of love from Mum and Dad.

Anonymous said...

Harry, Jules, #3 Jack and Cleo, what can I say that eveyone else hasn't already said, my thoughts prayers are with you all and will be waiting to hear further developments as you are able to send them. Don't lose hope The Lord is with you and looking after you all. My love to you all Val.

Anonymous said...

We just heard the news this am. The word has been spread around and everyone at Care is praying for your family and the new baby.
The Care Family

Anonymous said...

It sounds like #3 has arrived and my prayers are for a full recovery for Jules and for the health of #3, and for strength and courage for you all. Love you guys. Helen

Anonymous said...

Heard via the comments that Baby #3 has arrived and is in neonatal intensive care. We're still praying for you all that God will hold you, each one, in his hand and keep your young one safe. Looking forward to hearing from you whenever you, Harold, are able to spend a few minutes at home to see all these comments. Love you, God bless, Mum.

Anonymous said...

Julie. We love you lots and can't wait to meet your little boy. Phone calls are going backwards and forwards between the family like an electric current. We are all praying madly for your baby's quick recovery and rapid growth. Our love to Harry and Jack and Cleo as well.

Anonymous said...

Julie. I've spoken with your Dad and I want you to know that David and I are praying for your and harry's peace of mind as the medical staff care for your tiny babe. We love you lots.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
congrates on baby #3. Michael, Renee, James & I are all praying for both Jules and your new little boy. Renee says "He's so cute,I just love him". While we understand that this is a very stressful and trying time for you, We're so releived that so far things are looking up and pray this will continue. While they look so small and fragile never underestimate the amazing strenght and resilence that is hidden with in a baby. God makes them special. Renee says stay well and give Jack & Cleo a big hug and kiss from us.

Love Evelyn, Michael, Renee & James

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts are with Julie, must be tough for her at the moment and also of course with you and #3 (a name would be handy now Harry). Pass on our love to Jack and Cleo, we have been thinking of them as well. God be with all of you. Love you all Val and Stephen.

Anonymous said...

All the Bradens are praying for Will, Jules, Harry, Jack and Cleo. We will lift you up tomorrow at Fiesta too - 250 kids praying for one little baby. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you.
Glen Kristine Tully and Hannah

Anonymous said...

Hi our thoughts are with you and your family and baby #3 all the best for the futuer Nicole & Robert Langford & Family.
formaly Nicole Turner daughter of Peter Turner in Tasmania.

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