
The morning report

I've just spent an hour with Will this morning. He pretty much slept the whole time, but it was great to sit and watch him. This morning he is a tad smaller. Down to 39cm. This is consistant with the weird smaller in the morning, bigger in the afternoon theory. Having said that, he did look smaller me today than previously (I think previous morning size was 39.5). He has also managed to win the battle against all breathing assistance. The nose thingy has also been removed (I think largely because he kept pulling it out). They have said that they may put it back if he starts to struggle with his breathing. His feeding continued overnight. He continues to eat well, but is still supplemented by the drip. I asked the doctor when they would take the drip out. He said at this rate it would be in the next few days. That would be great as it would mean it is a lot easier to pick him up etc. As for further tests, nothing as yet. An update on Jules. After having the stitches out she's moving a lot more freely and is down do taking only panadol. I am returning to work today, but will continue to spend my time bouncing back and forward to the hospital. Perhaps not as much time in waiting rooms, so a few less updates to the blog. Thanks so much for your continued thoughts and prayers. Our prayer is now that he starts to process the fluid on his own. This would be the most desirable outcome. We may never have the explanation as to the cause, but I'd be happy to be ignorant if he recovers on his own.


Anonymous said...

God Bless Wil, Harry ! May God peace be with your family. God will watch over Wil while you're at work. --- Terese

Anonymous said...

We've been offline for a few days but we were so glad to come back and see how much progress Will has made. All of the staff at Care continue to pray in the morning devotionals as well throughout the day. Everytime we look at this site we get a crowd of staff watching over our shoulder wanting to see the latest news. We loved the videos and the latest pics!

Anonymous said...

The photos and video are gorgeous. How do you guys manage to create such good looking children??
Has anyone ever heard a cry that DOEs wake a dad in the middle of the night??
We continue to pray for you all and praise God for his goodness.

Anonymous said...

Am thinking of you as you return to work Harry and pray that you continue to have the strength and courage that has been so evident during this time, particularly with the added stress of going back to work. Am amazed at the progress Will is making and am gratful for Julie's continued recovery. You guys remain in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Dear Harold and Julie, Great news today. I'm so glad that Julie has been able to hold Will because I believe that a baby needs love and needs to be cuddled as the normal way of expressing that love. It is important for his mental and spiritual health as all the things the Drs are doing for his physical health. One of our funny old darlings at the Church rang up today for an uodate on Will's conditiion. She's glad to hear that he is improving and will continue to pray. We, too, are continuing to pray and giving thanks for each step forward. Give our love to Jack and Cleo, love to you both and much love for Will. God bless you Mum and Dad.

Anonymous said...

You have a little boy who wants to grow up big and strong, see him gulp his milk down. He is trying so hard to thrive and seems to be doing so well , he is a fighter for sure.
All our good wishes and many prayers are still directed that a way. Keep on keeping on, we think about you all the time and look forward to your updates Harry.
All the love we can give to you all from Stephen and Val.

P.S. from Steve. Be carefull Harry, leave those pipes in his face too long and he'll end up a snorkeller for sure.
In the immortal words of Jeff Fennech...."I luv's yuz all"

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