
End of the day - Will keeps on fighting

Jules and I went to see Will this evening, and were very pleased to see his continued improvement. The first surprise to us was that they had moved him into a different crib. No more gladwrap (cling film for the English). They had previously had him under gladwrap as they needed to have very easy access to him. So this is a good sign. Other positive steps tonight include: 1) they have completely taken him off the sedative, 2) they have reduced his morphine by 50% ; 3) they've further reduced his the ventilator. In fact at one point while we were there they took him off the ventilator together to clear out a tube. He continued to breath with no issues. They do not want to do this altogether at this stage as they believe his breathing may be too eratic / unstable without ventilation. However, very positive that he is able to breath on his own. His girth had not gone down as yet, but it had also not gone up. I wonder to myself how long it takes to actually go down after being that stretched so much. He is still producing large volumes of urine. He was up to about 650mls at around 2pm. Some time after that they changed the bag, then we we returned he was already up to 250mls. Big effort. A final video for the day, which shows the change of scenery. 23rd May Will at the end of the day


Anonymous said...

what a great way to end the day. an overall positive day for will. Praying hard. Hope you guys are getting some rest amid all the stress. Brett

Anonymous said...

All the Lowes are praying earnestly for all the Turners. We are so blessed to watch how God is working in these circumstances. May you continue to be touched by His peace. xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

nd jules holding up?. I remember when my sammy was born and things did not go as planned. Sammy was in intensive care and for all intents and purposes Colleen lay dying, All were focussed on there problems,i was a mess pacing unable to sleep,wound tight as a clock till all dangers were passed. I hope you unlike me can let it go to Jesus. I have loaded the latest picture of Will onto my phone. Every time someone rings me i see his picture and read the latest praye caption i have on it.I have saved to computor all the pictures. I have not been able to get a copoy of any of the videos though. Is it possible. He looks a lot better in the new crib. LOts of love and prayer ttfn.

Anonymous said...

Great news on Will's progress. We are all praying for him. Ethan and Arianne check your blog site daily for updates and they watch the videos, too. Lots of love, Ohmans

Anonymous said...

Great to see another positive update. I've got all my online Christian friends (US, UK, Japan etc) praying as well.

Love to you guys,


Anonymous said...

How wonderful just a fantastic amount of improvement. Just amazing to see the video footage and to see how much better Will looks as the days have progressed. Love you guys

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