
Stream or no Stream.... The answer

Julie promised a short post about now to let you know whether or not Will's bladder is now working. The answer? A seamingly healthy stream. Jules turned up to find him off the cathetor, but in a nappy. She asked how they were assessing his stream if he had a nappy on and they told her that there was no need to keep assessing as he had wee'd on one of them while changing the nappy. When can he come home? Too hard. One of those questions that noone in the hospital seems to know the answer to. Praise God 'eh.


Anonymous said...

Rememberance of this world wide 'stream watching' should pad out Will's 21st birthday speeches quite nicely. So glad today's news was positive. Love you all


Anonymous said...

So excited about the news and that Baby Wil is really gorgeous.
Aren't we all anxiously waiting for Wil to wet his diaper so that Julie can change? I'm sure God will continue to cover the family with his grace and strength. Will continue to pray .

Anonymous said...

the cathetor removal is more than enough to make up for the football tragedy in my eyes...which a few tears of disappoinment escaped at that penalty... but which are now bright with joy at this news for Will. I can only hope that NSW takes out the state of origin and pray for Will to be home with you all soon. luv yas

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