
More photos, a video and a postcard too!

Good evening. I had a lovely day with Will today. He was so relaxed both this morning and tomight. He's taking feeds a little better it would seem, a little more rigorous in the sucking even though he's often asleep for most of it. We had some nice little chats and I took a video of Will's faces he pulls as they are many and varied. His tummy is all but normal now and he has put on the weight he lost over the weekend (I think due to being entirely breast fed and therefore without the fortifier suppliment they add to the bottles). The other great news is the culture from the catheter bag came back and there is no sign of bacteria, which means the problem before was with the bag (no surprises there as 17 days of being soaked in wee is bound to do that to any bag!) and not with Will. They will still keep him on antibiotics until Friday though just so he doesn't come down with anything before or in fact during the procedure. I was trying to work out a few details of the operation today, asking when I'd speak to the aneasthatist, when Will would have to stop eating and when they would give him a drip. No satisfactory answers I'm afraid but I think I will meet with the surgeon and anesthatist tomorrow and they'll be able to tell me I'm sure. Harry has had a busy few days at work and has been getting to the hospital just before closing time. This actually worked out well last night as he got to give Will his 8pm bottle feed. Harry tells me he knocked it back in 10 minutes flat, reminding me of a comment from a waitress once to Harry after noticing his empty plate - "Where did that go? Do you inhale your food?" - to be said with a lilting Irish accent. Obviosuly there are a few new pictures today - some lovely ones of Will I think, a video that is probably too long, sorry i got carried away, a photo of Jack with his mohawk at 9 months of age (watch the video for the reference) and a postcard we received from Will's Uncle Ben (my brother) and soon to be Aunty Wendy who are travelling in France. Uncle Ben wrote that he hoped Will was all sorted soon and back to proper performance as per the picture! Enjoy the pics, have a great sleep for those in HK and Oz, time for lunch in the UK and Ireland and good morning to those in the US! Love Jules.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos, Jules

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