
Friday's nearly here

Well, I was right. This week has flown. Tomorrow is Friday and Will is all set for his cystoscopy and the general anesthetic he'll need to get through it. I spoke with the surgeon and anesthetist today and I think I had a few questions answered. Its often a little hard to tell whether I have gained more knowledge at the end of some of the conversations! The summary is: Will has to stop eating by 10am in preparation for a 2pm start time (not too bad as he may even sleep that long and I was anticipating a 6 hour fasting period, I am allowed to stay with him from the special care room all the way to the theatre and up until the anesthetic goes in (a great blessing as I didn't expect to be allowed near him), his procedure lasts for somewhere between 15 and 45 minutes depending on what they find, and then I'm allowed back in to the post op area to wait for him to wake up. The procedure will look at two things, whether there is a valve in the urethra that has been held open by the catheter (if they find one they will zap it with some electric current so it doesn't grow back - Jack's concerned that they may fry the urethra itself but I reassured him the surgeon knows what he's doing and God's in control)and the condition of the interior of the bladder (the roughness or smoothness - technical terms - will indicate how much damage occurred during the initial blockage and therefore how many problems Will may face in the future - things like incontinence, urinary tract infections were mentioned). Depending on what they find, Will has to stay another few days post op after the catheter is out but we anticipate his home coming to be anywhere between Monday and Thursday next week. Still being patient... Please pray hard for the little tacker around 2pm tomorrow arvo, pray for Harry and me too, that we trust in God, not in man, and know that He has a plan for Will. Looking forward to updating you all tomorrow night when we may finally have some answers, Jules.


Anonymous said...

system. million to $7 million to install, and Millens family was seeking answers complaint that guards had placed him in Comptroller and would-be governor H.

Anonymous said...

We will pray to GOD for good result. Baby Will, be strong, we are all standing by your side.

Sonia said...

I am praying now (almost 2 pm in Tokyo/1 pm in HK) and will continue to pray the rest of the afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Turners,

Praying for Will and look forward to hearing him sing...10, 9, 8, God is great..


Anonymous said...

Praying for the surgery! "future incontinence" is something we all face at some point, right?! Let's pray for Will it will be in his 80's like for the rest of us.

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