I guess I should start by apologizing for the lack of updates this week. The reason for our tardiness is good though because with Will in the house I am suddenly a mother of three in action and there is no time to be sitting at the computer, or drinking a cup of tea, or sleeping more than two hours at a time, or watching a movie in its entirety! And I am delighted!!
Today Will has returned to hospital to have his catheter removed, hence I’m back in the saddle and doing my emailing and blog updating. Will and I dropped Harry off to Jack’s school at 8.30am on our way to the hospital and as I collected Harry at 10.30am he asked if Will was in the car (you can’t see in the car seat from the front seat). I said “You must be dreaming!” because of course we need to have him assessed by all and sundry and observed for many hours before that would be possible. It is great that the team are so conscientious, I just need to be more patient! Would you believe I met another Dr Chan this morning – this time a woman. She was very helpful and explained all the procedures Will still had to have and why.
What are they? OK, first he had his temperature taken – not too high, therefore no infection. Second, they collected a urine sample which they will test for bacteria. Third, they will take some blood to check his kidney function. Fourth, he will have an injection of antibiotics (super strength on top of his oral Antibiotics) before fifth, Dr Chan (the pediatric surgeon) will remove the catheter. Then we play the waiting game. Will’s nappies/diapers will be weighed and assessed against his regular urination ability (which is well charted – even on his home leave stints we had to document it every four hours). They are keen to know whether he can wee and whether it is dribbling out (that is, with no bladder control) or whether he can allow the bladder to fill and then use the bladder to contract and pass a wee properly. They will then do the “tap” test (imagine John Cleese in “Fawlty Towers” checking the walls for hollow sounds) to see whether the bladder is empty (sounds hollow) or full (sounds hard). If Will is fine after 1, 2, 3, x, y, z number of days, he can come home. If not, further tests will be done, like another contrast or an ultrasound. Problems could be due to swelling after surgery, dodgy bladder after the blockage in the urethra made it overfill and then leak or burst or something, or debris from the zapping of the valve in the urethra. All of this info was given to me by Dr Chan (the woman) in less than 3 minutes – fantastic. I make no comment on the ability of men vs women to pass on vital information!
So, that’s about it. When Harry gets home tonight we will put some pictures of his home leave on the blog. The kids had a great time with Will, Jack read him books and Cleo sang him songs. Both were very helpful running and getting me things when I had my hands full. AND, Jack managed to get out of being held in at recess time (because I hadn’t signed off his homework) by thinking quick and saying it was because I was so busy now Will was home for a few days that I had no time for such things. His teacher fell for it, and it’s true I did forget but good on Jack for coming up with the excuse!
OK, I’m off to be patient, will know more this afternoon so do check in later! Love Jules.
Thanks Jules. We knew that you'd be run off your feet with 3 children at home ... but that didn't stop us checking your blog every other moment for a possible update. Lovely to get one, and I'm so glad Jack and Cleo got the chance to enjoy Will for an extended period of time. You remain in our prayers.
HA - that John Cleese tapping the walls episode was on the telly last rainy sunday when i was sick... HILARIOUS!!!
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