
Here's a few pictures and videos for you

Here's a few pictures and videos for you. As you can see Will is doing very well. Only 3 tubes left now. They've taken out the stomach thing as he has consistantly been processing all his food, so no more need to measure. They still have the nasal canular on, which is a bit weird as they're not really pumping anything other than a little bit of normal air through it. When they take it off his breathing is still somewhat distressed. So wait an see on that one. Check this video out. A great little smile from Will. As promised here is Will wearing his backwards clothes. Lucky it wasn't me who put them on, as I can blame someone else for something I didn't even notice. Finally, here's a link to another video. You get to here Mum's very fine singing.


Anonymous said...

Clap clap I'm clapping, smiles and eyes open and a small amount of dancing action looked like fun and how great that the two of you were able to be together with Will for those events. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Love you guys (aka the Turner 5)

Anonymous said...

Hi Harry, and Julie - just thought I'd drop you a message to say that our care group is continuing to remember you and Will in our prayers. We were at care group last night and were wondering how you are. It's fantastic to hear that Will is doing better and better. : )

Anonymous said...

Harold and Julie, Great to have your imput Jules and once again the news from Will is really good, I'm a bit held up since my computor is playing up again. I've got to ring up the server and it bothers me because I understand so little of their techno jargon. Still praying for Will, for you all, and praising God for all his mercy. Love you all so much. God bless. Mum.

Anonymous said...

So cute ... "if you know that we're praying for you all ... clap, clap ! if you know that we're praying for you all ... clap, clap !! if you know that we're praying and you really want to show it, and you know that God is loving to you all ... C-L-A-P, CLAP !!!" Heeee.

---Terese & Amos Cha (7 yr old from ECC Sunday School)

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