
Happy Birthday Julie. A gift from God

Will is definately coming home today. What an amazing gift from God - he really outdoes himself sometimes (and he certainly outdoes me when it comes to gifts - better get down to the shops pretty quickly). How long will he be home for? At this stage, just one day. One day is better than no days. We will still try to convince Dr Chan that we are capable of looking after him and that the risk is not too high. However, we will accept his judgement as he is no doubt looking at Will's best interest. For those of you in HK, much as you may have strong desire to come over and meet Will, we will need to keep contact very limited. Apparantly its not particularly good for premi babies to have a lot of contact, and with Will still on the catheter its an even greater risk than normal. More of an update later today (hopefully when he is here with us).


Anonymous said...

HIP HIP HOORAY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULES!!!!!!! i hope you have a fantastic day and what a wonderful birthday present you have to have will at home!!! love ya heaps. love george

Turbo and Pinky said...

Praise God!! Happy birthday, Jules!

Anonymous said...

What Great News and a great birthday present to boot.

I will pray that 1 day becomes 2 and 2 becomes 3 ect.



Sonia said...


I am so happy Will can go home!!! : )


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Jules!

and Happy Homecoming, Will!



Anonymous said...

Congrats, Congrats, Congrats & Happy Birthday Jules. God truely hears us and responds to our prayers Amen!!!!

The Hammonds Family said...

The Hammonds are singing praises to God to the tune of Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday Jules! Welcome home Will!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULES. I have been praying for you all day and hope that you hvae a great day together as a family. You really deserve alot of love and pampering from all of them.

Ruth said...

Happy birthday Jules. We prayed for you yesterday. So glad Will could come home for the weekend.

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