
Down to 33! I'd love to lose 9cm of my tummy

Yesterday Will had come down to 33.5cm and weighed 2.51kg. Today he's gone down further to 33cm but up to 2.52kg's. That says that all that food he's eating is doing him some good, which is great news. I'd tell you a bit more about the success of his feeding, but the recurrence of the word "breast" has caused various peoples net nanny filters to block our site! Anyway, his b####t feeding is going well. He's hooking up fine, and seemingly getting a full feed worth. Great news for Jules as she'd been quite concerned that he'd suffer confusion with the bottle (definately can't put the technical term for that in). Will has an ultra-sound tomorrow to determine how much fluid is left, and to see what's happened with the cyst that was identified in the last ultrasound. Praying that it is gone (or at least substantially healed). Thursday is the big scan where they pump some fluid back up his cathetor tube, and do a full trace on where it goes. If they find nothing, then they will pretty much never know the cause (or at least that seems to be the likely result). Friday, well.... still praying that Gods plan is for him to come home. That's certainly my plan (I guess you've heard the old joke "how do you make God laugh? ... Tell him your plans"). Anyway, sorry for my slowness of update. I've been a tad busy at work. This photo, for all those who want to see the difference between now and back when he was first born. Here's a tummy shot. This last picture has to be the look of a boy whose had just about enough to drink. Night night Will.


Anonymous said...

What a lovely lad! How excited you all must be with his progress. We hope and pray that Will will be home for the 9th, but everybody whose been following this blog will know that you'll all be fine if that's not the case. Your continuing submission to God's will and your knowledge that His timing is perfect will see you through any possible hiccups. Having said that ... there's no harm in asking!
Love you all, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news and what great pictures and videos. Praise the lord that the idea of discharge being discussed. The fact that Wills tummy has gone down so much didn't really impact on me untill I saw this photo and compared it one of the first ones. Its just wonderful to see Will moving and kicking about looking so healthy. I'll keep you all in my prayers and will keep Sonia and her family in my prayers also. Luv yas

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord. It is great news about Will's tummy size (or now lack there of). I'll keep praying and keep all of you in my thoughts.

Love yous all


Anonymous said...

9cm in less than two and a half weeks! Will should get an endorsement deal from South Beach diet. Great to see God's hand at work.

The Hammonds Family said...

The Hammonds family continue to thank God for Will's healing and will pray for the upcoming tests. The joy and tender care captured in the videos is powerful. Jules and Harry the sounds of your voices must give Will such encouragement! It is beautiful to be able to witness how your family is perservering! With love and prayers, James, Jen, Ashley and Sydney....

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, As you know we are following Will's progress but Stephen and Katie want to know why he has a pink blanket. They were delighted to see him in a blue babygro!! Lovely to see him doing so well. Love to all.

Anonymous said...

Will is looking so much better he continues to heal and grow . We continue to pray for him . But with ever increasing anticipation we are preparing to give our gift of thanks to take to the alter in our church.At the moment supplication with adoration ,just around the corner thanksgiving.
Harry,Jules you must be so proud of your struggling young man as climbs up above the struggle to his first victory in Jesus. love you all from us all yawl.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jules, Harry, Jack, and Cleo,

We are so thankful for Will's continued progress. It is great to see him smile with that peace that surpasses all understanding.
Yeah... I know and a great b#*@*^ feed.

Praying for the birthday homecoming and for the scans to go smoothly.

Much love,
Brett, Shannon, Abby, Hudson and Mary Grace (we all love the videos)

Anonymous said...

If that ain't little Harry, I dunno who it is!
Don't anyone suggest that he looks like Julie - that would totally wipe out his sense of manhood.

Lovin' the work of God and everyone praying.


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