
Amidst all the good news

Amidst all the good news we've had re Will, its easy to forget the sobering reality of the world in which we live. Many people have shared on this blog the difficulty they've had in either recent or past times, and many people have sent me information about other things happening for our prayers. I received an email this morning from a friend regarding one of his work colleagues who lost a baby at 23 weeks and the difficulty they are going through. We will definately be praying for them. Its a great reminder to me of the great blessing we have in Will, and of the great blessing we have of our faith in Jesus Christ and the work he has done for us. Without the latter, I believe what we've recently gone through would have been vastly more difficult for us. Onto the news re Will. He is still progressing very well (tummy size actually a tad bigger, but measured after a feed). He managed fine overnight without the drip, and he is now up to 50ml feeds. They are even planning now to take the next big step and have asked Jules to give him a breast feed this afternoon rather than a bottle feed. Looks like he might be weaning of feeds from Dad. A real shame as I very much enjoyed that bit, however I'm sure I know what Julie's preference is. In addition, he's now in clothes (picture to come later), and they are considering moving him out of the ICU into special care. The main reason why they haven't done that yet appears to be that they are currently quite quiet in terms on number of babies in hospital so there's no driver to take him out of ICU (which has a much greater nurse to patient ratio). As a short note re clothes, thanks to the many people who have offered to send 0000 clothes over. Nanna has (happily) taken on that task, so no need for anyone to send others. Thanks very much to you all for your kind offers.


Sonia said...

What odd timing. I just posted on my blog asking people to pray for a couple of families who had recent losses and I came over to your blog and you had just posted on the same topic!

So glad to hear that Will can breastfeed soon. Can't wait to see pics of him in clothes! Still praying for the doctors to get to the bottom of what happened for your and Jules' peace of mind.

In Christ,


Anonymous said...

Great news about Will.

the best thing about this is that Will is well enough.



Anonymous said...

Harold and Julie, Great news again, wonderful to read about. Praise God. Strange how things seem to occur to various people at the same time. Only yesterday I began to add a prayer for all other babies fighting for their lives at this time as well as remembering Will and Isaac by name. Those who have lost their child need special prayer because the loss is huge and leaves the heart vacant, so that only God can fill it. I've been remembering Sonia and Jong along these lines as well as praying for their litle Isaac. I know that there is an email waiting for me from you but at the moment I'm getting an error telling me that I cannot be connected to the server. I'll try again later. Dad and I are still praying and sending all the love we can to be with all five of you God bless you, Love Mum.

Anonymous said...

We have also spent time praying for those who are sick, in need or in grief recently at my local church, and it seems another work of God that individually we have all offered similar prays and is reassuring to me that God's community is so connected. I'm looking forward to the pictures with Will in clothes, and I pray that the breastfeeding is successful. I keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

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